(865) 908-0353      








Product Tip
R30 insulation saves up to $5,000 per year vs. 3 1/2" 'OTP' insulation in RF

Consider SteelLite Metal Buildings for:
Commercial Retail Store Restaurant Industrial Warehouse Church Fellowship Hall Mini-warehouse School Residential Office Building Bank Auto Garage Hotel/Motel Medical Center Home Christian Sanctuary Classroom Gymnasium Life Center Manufacturing Hanger Strip Mall Senior Center Shopping Center Agriculture Horse Barn Convention Center Restaurant Recreation Center Facility House Civic Center Institutional Building Riding Arena Self Storage Church Shopping Center Trucking Terminal Equipment Repair Shop Storage Shed


Standard Specifications for SteelLite Pre-Fabricated Metal Buildings

1.1 THIS SPECIFICATION designates the quality, design criteria and workmanship used in metal building systems designed, manufactured and furnished by SteelLite Metal Building Co., hereinafter referred to as SteelLite. SPECIFICATIONS herein are to be used as a guide of the performance requirements for the materials used in the design and manufacture of SteelLite's product line. They are intended to insure that the architect, engineer, builder and/or owner understand the basis for the design and manufacture of SteelLite's pre-engineered building systems.
1.2 The metal building system is designed as a complete system. All components of the system shall be provided or specified by SteelLite. Members and connections not indicated on the drawings shall not be the responsibility of SteelLite.
1.3 SteelLite utilizes the standard specifications of industry recognized organizations, such as: AISC, AWS, ASTM, AISI, MBMA etc., as the basis for establishing it's own design, fabrication and quality criteria, standards, practices, methods and tolerances. For convenience, one or more provisions of a particular group or agency may be referenced in SteelLite documents where appropriate. In all events, however, unless stipulated otherwise in the Final Quotation and Contract Form, SteelLite's design, fabrication and quality criteria, standards, practices, methods and tolerances will govern the work; any other interpretations to the contrary notwithstanding.
1.4.1 THE BUILDING "WIDTH" AND "LENGTH" shall be measured from the outside face to the outside face of the wall studs. The girts will be applied outside of the building width and length.
1.4.2 THE BUILDING "EAVE HEIGHT" shall be measured from the bottom of the base track to the intersection of lines representing the outside of the wall stud and the top of the roof truss or rafter.
1.4.3 THE "TRUSS SPACING" is nominal and shall be measured center line to center line of the main trusses, except at end bays where "Truss Spacing" is measured from the outside of the wall stud to the center line of the first interior truss.

2.1 SteelLite shall supply on all orders two sets of anchor bolt drawings and reactions.
2.2 SteelLite shall supply on all orders three sets of final erection drawings.
2.3 Upon request, SteelLite shall supply three sets of permit drawings showing engineering design details, critical clearances, key connection details, and material specifications
2.4 SteelLite shall supply three sets of approval drawings on specified jobs. Approval drawings shall show building layout, critical clearances, critical details, and may include permit drawing information if requested. Final fabrication will not begin until approval drawings have been returned with appropriate release signatures or appropriate instruction has been given to SteelLite to release the project using a Change Order.
2.5 SteelLite does not supply shop fabrication drawings for review or approval. As-built drawings are not provided by SteelLite.
2.6 Unless noted on the SteelLite order documents, all drawings are issued on 11" x 17" paper stock.
2.7 SteelLite does not provide electronic drawing files or as-built drawings.

3.1 PRIMARY FRAMING shall be the main load carrying structural members consisting of trusses and studs. These members shall support secondary structural members.
3.1.1 SteelLite TRUSS shall be manufactured of cold-formed light gauge sections. This system provides a clear span, single gable, or single sloped truss designed to support the specified loads.
3.1.2 MATERIALS used in the fabrication of primary framing systems shall be designed utilizing SteelLite's standard practices, generally in compliance with the AISI's "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
3.2 PRIMARY ENDWALL FRAMING shall be the main load carrying members of the building endwall. They shall include the corner studs and endwall studs, and shall be manufactured of cold-formed light gauge sections.
3.3 SECONDARY FRAMING shall be the structural members which distribute the loads to the primary framing systems, and shall include the purlins, girts, wind bracing and other miscellaneous structural members. They shall be manufactured of cold-formed light gauge sections.
3.3.1 PURLINS AND GIRTS shall be nominal 1 ½" tall hat section members, and shall be manufactured of cold-formed light gauge steel designed as simple span, partially continuous or continuous for the specific loads.
3.3.2 WIND BRACING shall be a system of bracing designed for the specified loads in accordance with SteelLite's design practices
3.3.3 MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING shall normally be those members which work in conjunction with primary, primary endwall and secondary framing systems. They shall include members such as: jambs, headers, or bridging, and shall be designed to be supportive of the framing systems.

4.1 ROOF AND WALL COVERING shall consist of the roof panels, their attachments, trim and sealant for use on the exterior of the roof. The standard product shall be Centurydrain. Centurydrain sheeting is not recommended for roof slopes less than 3:12. SteelLite will not be responsible for sealing of Centurydrain sheeting on any roof installation of less than 3:12.
4.1.1 SteelLite's sheeting shall be a system of 29 gauge roof panels providing a 36" wide net coverage having 3/4" high major ribs at 9" centers and two minor ribs between the major ribs. Side laps shall be one full major rib and shall utilize the bearing edge of the underlying major rib for support. SteelLite's sheeting shall be continuous from ridge to eave until panel length exceeds 27 ft., in which case end laps are provided. End laps shall be 6" and occur over a supporting member.
4.1.2 MATERIALS used in the fabrication of SteelLite's roof sheeting shall normally be or a pre-finished Silicon Polyester Polar White finish over Aluminum-Zinc alloy-coated or G90 zinc-coated galvanized 29 gauge steel. A baked-on finish coat will be applied on one side, while a baked-on straight polyester wash coat will be applied on the other.
4.2 CLOSURES shall be a closed cell polyethylene material of a gray neutral color, and shall be die cut to panel profiles. Closures shall be supplied as required to provide weather tightness.
4.3 FASTENERS for roof and wall covering systems shall normally be one or more types of self-drilling.

5.1 STRUCTURAL MEMBERS shall normally be fabricated by shearing, flame cutting, forming, welding, punching, drilling, reaming, and screwing, etc., as required in accordance with SteelLite's standard practices.
5.2 SHOP CONNECTIONS for built-up and/or hot-rolled members shall normally be welded using either a submerged or gas metal arc weld process. Welding shall be in accordance with SteelLite's standard practices in compliance with the applicable sections, relating to design requirements and allowable stresses of the latest edition of the "AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1".
5.3 FIELD CONNECTIONS shall normally be the fastening of light gauge members using self-drilling in accordance with SteelLite erection drawings and standard erection instructions.
5.4 WORKMANSHIP AND TOLERANCES of the manufactured building parts shall be in accordance with SteelLite's quality control standards.

6.1 ANCHOR BOLTS are not normally supplied by SteelLite. Anchor bolts shall not be less than the size and quantity shown on the SteelLite anchor bolt setting drawings. Anchor bolts are unpainted for bonding with concrete, and are of sufficient capacity to properly resist the governing reactions induced by the design loads on the structure. Foundation reactions are furnished by SteelLite; however, no responsibility for foundation design will be accepted by SteelLite. All anchor bolts are to be set in strict accordance with SteelLite drawings. Anchor bolts are designed in accordance with ASTM F1554 and it also meets ASTM A307 Grade C regulations. Additional materials required for compliance.
6.2 ERECTION of the SteelLite building system shall be in accordance with the appropriate erection drawings, erection guides and/or other documents furnished by SteelLite. It shall be the erector's responsibility to comply with all appropriate legal and safety requirements. It shall be the erectors responsibility to determine and provide any and all temporary bracing, shoring, blocking, bridging, and/or securing of components, etc., as required during erection of the building.
6.3 SteelLite's STANDARD WARRANTY of production fabricated by SteelLite, excluding paint, carries a warranty against failure due to defective material or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. SteelLite's ability under this warranty shall be limited to furnishing, but not dismantling or installing, necessary replacement material F.O.B. SteelLite's plant in Tennessee. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, BEYOND THOSE STATED HEREIN. IN NO EVENT SHALL SteelLite BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES.

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SteelLite Metal Building Co., Inc.
3275 Newport Hwy. Ste 11, Sevierville, TN 37876 -
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