Building owners demand the most value possible from their facility,
and SteelLite's unique design delivers that needed value to each
customer. Each steel building is custom engineered and manufactured
to meet the specific needs of the building owner.
metal buildings offer businesses something very important to them -- Lower cost of ownership.
SteelLite's building system is very different from other steel
building companies. Most steel building manufacturers are
using designs from the 1960's. SteelLite's modern design is a
better choice for many building types such as churches, schools,
offices, hotels, and stores. Our proprietary engineering provides all
the benefits of steel construction while avoiding the drawbacks of
typical I-beam "rigid frame" construction.
SteelLite metal buildings excel architecturally, too.
Steeper roof slopes are standard. Interior walls are smooth,
without the "boxed out" columns along the perimeter. Roofs can
be hipped, gambrel, monoslope, or multi-pitched. Conventional
finishes such as brick or stucco are easy. Shingle roofs
are also easy. Interior finishes such as sheetrock are simple
and less expensive, requiring only steel furring.
Our technology is beneficial for very small buildings and for very
large projects, for simple, single story, gabled roof such as retail
stores, factories, and warehouses, or for very complex, multi-story
complex roofed structures such as office buildings, churches,
nursing homes, and hotels.
SteelLite structures have simpler foundations requiring less
concrete. Conventional exteriors are simple and less costly to achieve in a
SteelLite metal building. And, like all type I and II
non-combustible structures, SteelLite buildings may qualify for
lower fire insurance costs.
But the most significant cost savings comes from the energy efficiency
capability of a SteelLite metal building that is not achievable in
traditional metal buildings. Those "over-the-purlin"
insulation systems simply cannot compare to SteelLite's R30
insulation system, saving thousands of dollars every year.
SteelLite can manufacture structures
hundreds of feet wide and long, up to 140' clear span, and
multi-level up to 6 stories tall. Simple or complex, our structures are
manufactured and delivered to your job site ready for installation.
As a matter of fact, the more complex the structure is the more
appropriate SteelLite is for the project.
Stronger, more attractive, less expensive. Be sure to look at
SteelLite Metal Building Co. for your next building project.


Appalachian Regional Ministry describes SteelLite Metal Buildings as a
" Volunteer Friendly" building system
because small groups of volunteers are easily able to erect our buildings
without special training or special equipment due to the the simple construction
techniques and light-weight components.
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SteelLite Metal Building Co. is donating a building to Faith Ministry
in Mt. Holley, NC to be used as outdoor covered shelter.
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